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Ivana’s Avatar
Ivana Nov 21, 2023 1966 views

In consulting, do you have to get your own clients?

Hi I'm a first year college student and I'm considering consulting as a career or advisory such as financial planner. But I do NOT like reaching out to people and the idea of trying to get clients on my own. Is this the only way to get clients or do some firms do that for you?

Thank you

Beatrice’s Avatar
Beatrice Jan 20, 2018 1569 views

If you had the chance to redo high school, what would you change?

I am asking this question because I myself wish I could go back and redo high school.
#highschool #friends #memories

Giselle’s Avatar
Giselle Oct 19, 2023 4714 views

Why do basketball players get paid so much?

Why do basketball players get paid so much?