Career questions tagged presenting

How to improve my communication skills?
I am a 7th grader and have always hated to present alone up in front of my class. No matter what I'm scared of either messing up or doing something I shouldn't have. Just wondering how to over work that fear, and be able to feel confident in front of many.

Confidence and Body Language?
What's the best way to show confidence through body language?

How do I properly convey my filmmaking visions, and to whom?
Independent filmmaking is taking the world by storm, the internet age promoting positive advertisement, wild kickstarter projects, and a wide berth for viewing. I have so many ideas for feature-length documentaries and narrative shorts, ideas solidified in scripts and outlines. I'm simply not sure where to take these ideas, and how to present them! Professionals, help me out! #writing #film #film-production #film-making #screenwriting #presenting #documentary-series #pitching