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Qaim Haider’s Avatar

Qaim Haider

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Redmond, Washington
2 Answers
5501 Reads
1 Karma

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Zaeem’s Avatar
Zaeem May 01, 2023 628 views

How can I get remote American internships as a high school student outside of America?

I've been looking for internships for High Schoolers orientated around engineering, but I need help finding them; please assist me with this.

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Oct 18, 2023 4876 views

What is the best job for a cybersecurity bachelor's degree?

I am currently considering a 4-year college major in cybersecurity and exploring the possibility of becoming an Information Security Analyst. However, upon conducting research, I have learned that this career path can be highly demanding and stressful and that opportunities for promotion may be...