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Shadi Apr 08, 2024 911 views

Which university should I go to? NC state at Raleigh or Cal State, Long Beach?

I'm a international student from Iran and I have been accepted to both NCSU and CSULB and I can't decide which one I should attend :) Cal state is ranked 105 while NC state is 60 among Value schools. Cal state is a lot cheaper though and they offer scholarship for international students after...

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Shadi Oct 25, 2023 1139 views

Can you comment on my college essay please?

Hello! I'm an international student and I came to the US to study my senior year of high school. As I started applying to colleges, I had to write an essay. I wrote this one but I have no clue how it is. I would appreciate some honest comments on it :) “We can come no further.” my mother said....

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Shadi Oct 22, 2023 8542 views

What is the best undergrad major to enter law school?

Hello; I'm an international student studying my senior year in the US. My dream job is being a lawyer, but I am really confused about what to study for undergrad. My other area of interest is computer science and design. Would it be a good idea to study one of those instead of pre-law?