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Sarah Scales’s Avatar

Sarah Scales

Risk Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Oviedo, Florida
5 Answers
15792 Reads
31 Karma

Active Locations

Emanuel’s Avatar
Emanuel Jan 22 757 views

What’s something you wish you knew before going into college?

Or university

Annie’s Avatar
Annie Jun 04, 2024 4338 views

Should I retake my SAT if I got a 1380 on it?

I will most likely go to a college in Florida (University of central Florida or University of Florida). I also want to major in a science.

Annie’s Avatar
Annie Jun 04, 2024 2378 views

What are the best schools in Florida for introverted students who study hard?

I want a school that has a pretty good reputation. I want good instructors and a school that is in a safe area.

kion’s Avatar
kion Nov 14, 2023 7940 views

what are some good business schools?

pls help idkkkk

Italy’s Avatar
Italy Nov 14, 2023 860 views

Am I still able to get a BSN even if I've already chosen a different major to get my bachelors degree in, or is it too late?

I've decided to aim to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner, but I chose psychology as my major and I am scared I cannot become a nurse because of this.