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malachi’s Avatar


Portland, Oregon
4 Questions
136 Karma

malachi’s Career Goals

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malachi Nov 28, 2023 1169 views

How helpful are Career Technical Training Programs?

I'm in Job Corps and I've heard that I should involve myself in these programs. How well do they really prepare you for?

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malachi Nov 17, 2023 589 views

s being a Power Distributors & Dispatcher self-employed or industry-based?

could I use these skills to create a business of my own, relating to car work? or is it more industry-based work?

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malachi Nov 17, 2023 509 views

What kind of hours do power distributors and dispatchers have?

wondering for flexibility and good compensation

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malachi Nov 17, 2023 499 views

Why do Power Distributors and dispatchers have such high salaries?

I'm going into Automovie in job corps and this is one of the careers I'm very interested in. I'm interested because it'll help me learn how to divert and use electricity to mod cars not just cars that run on gas. I also think that it's helpful to know what I'm doing with electricity in general...