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Antonio McCoy’s Avatar

Antonio McCoy

Customer Service
Sales and Related Occupations
Batesville, Arkansas
61 Answers
102459 Reads
1 Karma

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Elton’s Avatar
Elton Feb 08, 2017 1140 views

How much moneh do sports coaches earn monthly?

I am a high school student wanting to know how much coaches make. #sports

Chioma ’s Avatar
Chioma Aug 14, 2016 1142 views

What's the most exciting topic to cover?

I love learning and informing people on the worlds topic so also having something exciting to talk about grabs my attention. #sports #entertainment #sponsorship

tyn’s Avatar
tyn Jun 10, 2024 609 views


how to get better at sports

Ray’s Avatar
Ray Jun 24, 2015 1822 views

what college should i go to

My name is ray #sports

Michela’s Avatar
Michela May 09, 2016 1348 views

Is playing sports in college a big distraction for your intended major?

I am intending on playing sports next year however I am afraid it will affect my grades. #sports

Courtney’s Avatar
Courtney May 10, 2016 1741 views

Is it possible to have a career without a degree?

I am interested in a career in something along the lines of media/marketing/public relations. Do companies even consider hiring someone if they do not have a college degree related to these areas? #sports #marketing #journalism #degree #media #public-relations

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff Mar 19, 2014 1936 views

Is it easy to get a job within your college?

For example, I love sports, so I was wondering if it was easy to get a job within the Athletic Department of my University? #college #jobs #sports #college-jobs #athletics

Jamarious’s Avatar
Jamarious May 10, 2016 1625 views

How much do NBA players make ?

Want to maybe be a NBA player #sports #basketball #sport

Ravi ’s Avatar
Ravi Jun 23, 2016 1237 views

Is a good height mandatory to become an athelete?

I am an aspiring Cricketer and want to know about the physical fitness of Atheletes #sports #athletic-training #athletics #fitness #physical-fitness #exercise-physiology

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 16, 2016 1075 views

Sports in high school

I play sotfball, should I focus on nursing in high school instead? #sports #softball

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Oct 21, 2012 1830 views

Are you just a natural sports or can you work at it.

I am a sophomore in high school. #sports

Tre’s Avatar
Tre May 13, 2016 1439 views

What is the best college to attend to play football.

When i grow up I want to be a professional football player. I also want to go to school when I grow up but Im not sure what for yet. #sports #football #coaching-football

Ricardo’s Avatar
Ricardo May 24, 2016 1051 views

After 4 years of playing college football and you want to go to the pros what do you do

I play sport and this is one of my goals and dreams #sports #football #sport #ncaa

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Apr 29, 2024 811 views

What are my chances of getting a sports scholarship?

For track and field, Cross country running, Nordic ski, Soccer, and football(Never played, but want to play).

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff Mar 26, 2014 2565 views

If you join a college sport, how does it affect your schedule?

For example, if I join my college's soccer team, how does that affect my schedule? #college #sports #soccer #schedule #college-sports