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Riverside, California
4 Questions
321 Karma

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Hugo May 15 838 views

People who work in the field of statistics, what are some fun things you got to do for your jobs??

I'm a first-year college student and it's almost the end of the school year. Over the summer I would like to work on a project and I have a few fun ideas I would like to try out. I asked this question to see if my ideas could relate to others.

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Hugo May 15 340 views

What was your last quarter of freshman year at college or any year like?

Like others on Reddit, I feel very burnt out for the last quarter of the school year. My way to cope with this quarter was to have a snack while doing homework to distract me from my energy levels. Sometimes I take a longer walk back to my dorm for a longer break. This quarter happens to be...

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Hugo Mar 11 747 views

Has anyone ever felt really down because you are doing really bad in school? What did you do to turn it around?

I'm on the borderline for two of my classes, but I have a chance to get into a more comfortable spot with my next assignments.

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Hugo Dec 20, 2023 655 views

I am taking intro to modeling in stats and I am wondering where can I find data sets to use to practice coding with R ?

I have been coding with R for one semester and I have dealt with a few data sets in class