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Elk River, Minnesota
5 Questions
321 Karma

Maggie’s Career Goals

I want to get a scholarship to a college that I like and find a career to pursue there.

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Maggie Oct 27 859 views

#Fall 24 What are my options?

I am looking for a job to improve people's health in natural ways, but am not interested in working with patients. Is there a career that I can look into?

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Maggie Feb 16 2102 views

How do I choose a career based on my interests?

I am trying to get my associates degree in highschool, but I don't know what career to pursue afterwards. Any suggestions?

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Maggie Feb 16 1611 views

What college would you suggest going to if I want to get a degree in architecture?

I am a highschool student and I am hoping to get my associates degree by the end of highschool. I want to go into some sort of architecture or design job, but I don't know what colleges would be best for that. Do you have any suggestions?

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Maggie Feb 16 821 views

What architectural field would you suggest based on interests?

I am a highschool student and am hoping to get my associates degree by the end of highschool. I want to work in some sort of architectural job, but I don't know what would be best based on my interests? Any suggestions?

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Maggie Feb 16 738 views

As a interior designer, how many hours do you work?

I am a sophomore and I am hoping to get my associates degree in highschool. I am looking to go into something with architecture. Any suggestions?