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Vidhi Bhuptani’s Avatar

Vidhi Bhuptani

Financial Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Las Vegas, Nevada
5 Answers
9207 Reads
1 Karma

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Myrick’s Avatar
Myrick Feb 20, 2024 1066 views

If I'm certain about a career path when should I start looking at schools that offer the major that ties into the career?

I'm a high school student very interested in Biomedical Engineering and I don't know when I should start looking at schools that provide the major for Biomedical Engineers.

Terrion’s Avatar
Terrion Jul 25, 2023 478 views

Working for a Company like Tesla, FedEx, Amazon, etc. how often are those jobs hiring?

How difficult is it for recent graduates of a college or job training program to get hired for this job in The bay area? – not difficult, somewhat difficult, or very difficult and why?

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Sep 28, 2016 2952 views

How do you build up your credit score?

I want in the future to walk into an establishment, with them knowing that payment is coming.Not only that but, giving me what is consider above average waiting time to make a first payment? #financial-services #japan #public-relations #corporate-finance #coordinator #change-agent

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Feb 06, 2024 3143 views

In corporate finance how many hours is an average work week? What are the most hours you've worked?

Just wondering what a week would look like in the finance field

Bao-Truc’s Avatar
Bao-Truc Aug 01, 2020 2839 views

How can I manage my finances in college?

I don't have any financial knowledge on how I should be handling my money in college and I am not able to rely on my parents or ask them for help on such things.

#JULY20 #collegestudent #finances #help