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John Xavier’s Avatar

John Xavier

San Francisco, California
5 Questions
342 Karma

John Xavier’s Career Goals

I want to succeed in my educational life and be able to have a job somewhere in the medical field.



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John Xavier’s Avatar
John Xavier Apr 15 686 views

What are some routines you do to maintain a good health and be able to achieve your hard goals?

This question is for my curiosity of routines to help me maintain good health and manage my time.

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John Xavier Apr 15 486 views

What are some dedications you all did to get to where you are now?

This is a question to have a better understanding of what I can do for my future

John Xavier’s Avatar
John Xavier Mar 05 1427 views

What should I major in if I would like to become a nurse/doctor?

are there specific things I should be doing in high school or college that will lead me closer to my goal?

John Xavier’s Avatar
John Xavier Mar 05 793 views

Will it be easy to take on the challenges the path I choose to become a nurse/doctor?

Will I have much free time for myself?

John Xavier’s Avatar
John Xavier Mar 05 606 views

How can I get into medical school and be able to be successful in it?

I would like to have a job in the medical field.