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San Francisco, California
5 Questions
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jocelyn Mar 27 2092 views

Internships for High school students interested in law?

I was wondering how to find and where to search for internships as a student in High school interested in law.

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jocelyn Mar 27 1201 views

What are the best law schools or programs in or near the Bay Area?

I know this is a broad question but I'm an upcoming senior and have still yet to decide what schools I want to apply to as someone who is interested in law.

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jocelyn Feb 28 456 views

Law school

Usually how long does it take to become a lawyer?

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jocelyn Feb 28 340 views

What should i consider when wanting to major in Law and Criminal Justice?

I'm interested in majoring in Law in Criminal Justice and i just want to learn how to prepare for that.

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jocelyn Feb 28 540 views

Where can i find scholarships ?

Im currently in 11th grade and curious about where i can find scholarship.