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Imperial, California
3 Questions
71 Karma

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Deren Feb 27 319 views

How can being respectful towards scouts and interviewers help me become a professional football player? Are there certain things to say to help better the way they see me?

I know you have to be respectful when talking to professionals, so I wanna know if there are certain things to say that can help the way they see me.

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Deren Feb 27 492 views

How can I use sarcasm to become a professional football player? Are there any skills I can use to become better at it?

I know professionals have personalities and use that so scouts look at them more, make them become more interested in them.

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Deren Feb 27 391 views

Do you have any tips or things that can help my responsibility skills to be more enhanced to become a professional football player?

I am in eighth grade, and I like to workout and do things like running, lifting weights, etc.