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Somnath Bhattacharjee’s Avatar

Somnath Bhattacharjee

Client Support Technician at Dell
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
10 Answers
23625 Reads
1 Karma

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tyler’s Avatar
tyler Oct 28, 2016 1838 views

computer science

What does a day in the life a computer scientist look like? #science #computer

William’s Avatar
William Oct 28, 2016 884 views

Is anesthesiology a growing specialty?

Premed candidate trying to learn about medical specialties. #medicine

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Oct 28, 2016 1397 views

What all do cognitive psychologists do?

I have liked psychology and been interested in it. I especially am interested in thinking and how people do it and why. However, i also like the way the biological portions of neurology come into play with the brain and how it works. So i am wondering what it is that cognitive psychologists do...

Jorge’s Avatar
Jorge Oct 28, 2016 6596 views

Is the field of Civil Engineering really competitive?

I've seen that Civil Engineering is a popular field so I want to know if the field isn't too competitive to find a job. I've heard about some fields becoming over saturated with workers, so does any one predict there being too many workers, but not enough jobs in the future. #engineering...

Salvador’s Avatar
Salvador Oct 19, 2016 1589 views

What degree is recommended for designing hardware?

I read an old reddit AMA on it a couple months ago about a hardware engineer at Intel and somebody brought up what they would need to receive his position. However, he didn't give a straight answer so I would like to know what I have to do to be hired into that job. #computer-science...

Jimmy’s Avatar
Jimmy Oct 21, 2016 1935 views

What does a computer engineer do?

For a class in high school, I have to research a career that I'm interested in and I thought that it would be a good time for me to find out more about computer hardware engineering, the career I'm interested in. So most of these answers I can find on the internet but I think it would be more...

k’s Avatar
k May 30, 2016 1423 views

how could i improve my writting skills in hindi

unable to write hindi #hindi #personal-development #writing

Xavier’s Avatar
Xavier Oct 28, 2016 1015 views

What are the requirements for a video game designer?

I've always been into video games and want to become a creator of the best ones. #graphic-design #video-game-design

mansi’s Avatar
mansi Jun 21, 2016 5804 views

who is the father of economics?

i'm curious to learn more about economics! #college #teacher #student

Ravi mgr’s Avatar
Ravi mgr Jun 23, 2016 1070 views

What are all the qualifications to become a teacher?

I want to become a teacher. Please tell me the way to achieve my goal. #teacher