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charnelle saint-laurent’s Avatar

charnelle saint-laurent

Observer analyst
Huntington Station, New York
36 Answers
17473 Reads
31 Karma

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Melinda’s Avatar
Melinda Mar 09 2472 views

what are some extracurricular ideas for someone with interests in psych + bio?

what are some things i can do to start building my college app around an interest in psych + bio? [extracurriculars, competitions, etc]
i’ll be a rising sophomore this summer + i’m scared i’m not doing enough to stand out to colleges in the future 😰
any advice is appreciated <3

Carson’s Avatar
Carson Mar 04 681 views

What are the best university's around Cleveland?

I am a senior and don't know where to go to school at.

Von’s Avatar
Von Mar 05 245 views

How do i get into being a teacher freshly out of highschool ?

I would love to be a history teacher but Im scared of the process since I dont know much about it.

Quinn (Emerson)’s Avatar
Quinn (Emerson) Mar 05 627 views

What career matches my interests?

I'm a high school junior and I like math and art. All of my extracurriculars are really centered around education though. I tutor kids in reading and my past 2 jobs have both been working with kids. Architecture and engineering are both interesting to me but I'm not entirely sure what I want to do.

YANET’s Avatar
YANET Feb 24 405 views

how much will college cost?

Ask a teacher, your counselor and people that may help you

madison’s Avatar
madison Feb 12 444 views

What would be all the notes that I would need for nursing classes (highschool)?

Notes that I would need for high school nursing classes

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Feb 06 296 views

How will I know that I chose the right career path for me? What signs do I look for to determine that I am on the right path to becoming a teacher?

I love children and enjoy helping them learn new things. I just want to make sure that education is the field for me.

Adèle’s Avatar
Adèle Feb 03 548 views

What is the diploma required to fulfill the jobs?

I have a question for a speech therapist

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Jan 04 2643 views

What brach in engineering should I choose?

Hi! I am Gabriela, an International Student in the US, I am Hispanic. I am currently coursing engineering as my degree, first semester and year, I am still a little lost in what engineering branch should I pick? Taking in count opportunities for internships and jobs in the future.

joe’s Avatar
joe Jan 08 501 views

how old where y'all when y'all joined job corps ?

how many kids yall got, what trade yall pick an how long yall be here

Barbra’s Avatar
Barbra Dec 09, 2024 344 views

how can i improve my self esteem?

am in grade 10

Nairobi’s Avatar
Nairobi Nov 19, 2024 846 views

Where can I start learning about anatomy musculoskeletal and therapeutic massage?

#fall24 what a great idea this community! I am interested to become a licensed massage therapist. Do you know any good online program about anatomy musculoskeletal where I can start learning before I be able to enter in a program? Thank you!

Muhammad Anas’s Avatar
Muhammad Anas Nov 16, 2024 596 views

What I should to do after 12 for earning or making money ?

I have financial issues for further studies scholarships are not enough and good jobs are very difficult to get in Pakistan
For business I haven't enough money

Nyah’s Avatar
Nyah Nov 19, 2024 710 views

What can I do with an English degree and a creative background ?

I want to work with high-school aged youth and be a mentor for underserved communities, especially black and brown girls.

Hartley’s Avatar
Hartley Nov 14, 2024 793 views

What does teaching as a profession entails?

To know more