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Karthik JVN’s Avatar

Karthik JVN

Sr Data Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Natick, Massachusetts
7 Answers
13340 Reads
1 Karma

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Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Oct 09, 2023 783 views

How can I get legitimate scholarships as an international student?

I am a freshman and a STEM major. I am also an African international student.

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Dec 07, 2023 3017 views

What makes a business successful?

I am interested in starting my own business

Amna’s Avatar
Amna Jan 20, 2024 5183 views

What is the best course to study in college?

Hi, I'm 14 years old grade 9th student. I'm good in science but also interested in enterpreneur. What is the best course for me to study in college?

Flora’s Avatar
Flora Mar 24, 2014 1694 views

What kind of graduate degree is in demand right now?

I will be graduating with a Bachelor degree in Science soon. I don't want to work in science-related research so I don't want a Master of Science. I want to know what graduate degrees are in demand in industries such as pharmaceuticals or finance and are obtainable with a B. Sc. #finance...

Dee’s Avatar
Dee Mar 09, 2019 1486 views

Looking to be a Data Analyst

How important is knowing Javascript as a Data Analyst or Data Scientist? I am exploring careers and see many courses offering JS. #datascience, #college

Ridwan’s Avatar
Ridwan Feb 17, 2023 1294 views

what do I need to know as a data scientist?

I am an Msc student in data science and artificial intelligence. I had no previous background in programming hence I find it difficult to cope.

Erika’s Avatar
Erika Mar 06, 2024 3592 views

Financial algebra or calculus?

Is Financial algebra or calculus a better math course to take for senior year if i want to pursue a business career? Or should i even take both?