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Scott Cruwys’s Avatar

Scott Cruwys

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
4 Answers
6312 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Wisam’s Avatar
Wisam Feb 25 2463 views

How I can find remote volunteering opportunity in artificial intelligence ( computer vision) ?

Iam currently studying and living in Ontario Canada

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Mar 06 1367 views

Coding classes?

What classes are best for computer science majors who are just starting to learn coding?

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Mar 06 467 views

I am interested in being a programmer.

I work best in an environment with independence, help others, and time flexibility. Is this a good fit for me?

Elaine’s Avatar
Elaine Mar 01 3251 views

Is it easy to get a job after graduating college with a degree in computer science?

I'm curious as a high school student.