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Mesquite, Nevada
2 Questions
231 Karma

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Ariel Oct 19, 2016 1204 views

Is it best to take the path of Business Cyber Security or under Computer Science Cyber Security?

During a college visit at UTSA, one element of cyber security was under the umbrella of the School of Business. The other was under the umbrella of Computer Sciene. Which would you recommend as the best path to follow? #business #science #computer #security #cyber

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Oct 19, 2016 1470 views

I want to be a cyber security guru, however; the cost of tuition is extravagant. How did you avoid becoming discouraged?

I have pretty much settled on 3 universities that I am very interested in attending. Each one is more expensive than the other. My parents cannot afford to pay the $200,000 tuition costs. The underpriviledged have federal aid and grants that do not have to be repaid. The wealthy have deep...