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Ovesh Suthar’s Avatar

Ovesh Suthar

Civil Engineer
Construction and Extraction Occupations
Modasa, Gujarat, India
3 Answers
6806 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Graham’s Avatar
Graham Jan 26 5381 views

Working with animals?

How can I work with Animals without doing a degree. Anyone doing this now? What was your career pathway?

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Mar 18 1159 views

What to do career wise after bad uni grades?

I'm a 3rd year CS student and my overall grades for university are disappointing to say the least, and I'm not sure what I should do to progress after I'm done on my course. I don't feel like that grade will be enough to get a good grad job and I'm wondering what can be done to get the foot...

Jana’s Avatar
Jana Mar 18 432 views

What companies are hiring within the field of Carpentry?

I would like to learn more about companies or employers that are hiring within the field of Carpentry.