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Hema Ranganathan’s Avatar

Hema Ranganathan

Solution Architect
Middletown, New Jersey
6 Answers
3111 Reads
1 Karma

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clememt’s Avatar
clememt Mar 31 963 views

how can I get a job that ill pay me enough a year without living home?

like i like some tasks like taking care of people
can also work per hour

Devin’s Avatar
Devin Mar 24 472 views

How should I start a career?

I need career advice

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian Mar 25 419 views

How can I involve some other type of work?

I want to know if I can get involved in other work after my working hours

David’s Avatar
David Sep 10, 2017 1321 views

I can't take calculus, chemistry, nor physics cause they don't teach that in 9th. The only class that I have that has to do with mechanical engineering is biology.

So I was wondering if I should study calculus over the internet or should I just study in my math class although my math class isn't calculus and study in my biology class. #mechanical-engineering #internet #math #chemistry #physics #higher-education #high-school-classes

Lucy’s Avatar
Lucy Mar 26 450 views

How to decide a major?

Tips, websites, books

Colten’s Avatar
Colten Mar 26 1025 views

Do I have to take Chemistry first before I can take AP Chemistry in high school?

I'm trying to figure out my schedule for the rest of my 2 years of high school. I'm trying to become a Physical Therapist.