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Laura Lawson’s Avatar

Laura Lawson

Research Laboratory manager / Phlebotomy Instructor
Healthcare Support Occupations
Laurel, Maryland
2 Answers
2145 Reads
11 Karma

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Judit’s Avatar
Judit Jul 07, 2024 1710 views

Should I get a Sonography or Radiology Degree?

Hello! Recently, I found out what I wanted my future career to be. Yet, I don’t really know if I should pursue a degree in Sonography or Radiology to become an Ultrasound Technician, specifically focusing on working in the OB/GYN unit?

Julissa’s Avatar
Julissa Mar 27, 2024 534 views

Would it be smarter to pursue two master's?

I want to be a substance abuse counselor, and I've heard that I can get a masters in both psychology or social work. Would it be smarter to just get one of those or do both? If so am I able to do it at the same time?