Jeffery’s Career Goals
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When to take the SAT Junior Year?
I've taken the SAT once, during june of my Sophomore year. I am planning on taking it again, but I am not sure what time (or how many times) I should take it this year.
My latest score is in the 1300's range.
Thank you for your help,
Jeffery P
#college #college-major #college-bound #sat #exam

Is taking Drama at my school a worthwhile club when perusing film making?
I think that by taking Drama I may gain some insights film making (acting, blocking, lights, etc). However, what role can Drama play in helping me become a better potential film maker #film-production #film-acting #video-production #drama #stage-management #studio-lighting

Graduate School: Is it worthwhile when going into the Film making Industry?
For some industries, graduate school is more important that others. I may consider taking a graduate program over the years once I finish undergraduate school. However, after undergraduate school what's the best route? #film #entertainment #film-production #movies #cinematography #film-editing

Senior Project: Career Exploration or New Skill?
At my school, all the seniors have to do a senior project. As a Junior who is interested in majoring in film and animation, I do not know whether to make my senior project Career Exploration or a new skill. Which one would be best? A note: Students at my school have different opinions on...

How many Colleges should one apply to?
Some people apply to a lot of colleges while others apply to just one. What's the difference? #college #college-admissions #applying