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Madison, Wisconsin
2 Questions
176 Karma

Yuki’s Career Goals

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Yuki Oct 24, 2016 2092 views

If you're stuck between two career paths, how do you go about deciding on one of them?

I'm thinking about going into graphic design versus becoming a Pre-Med student. I love Biology, but I'm terrible at math and think I would do way better in an artsier career where I could let my right brain thoughts flow freely. My parents would definitely push me to go the Pre-Med path, even...

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Yuki Oct 24, 2016 3405 views

How much studying and homework do you do on an average day as a pre-med student?

I'm planning to go into Pre-Med in college. I know it's going to be a very vigorous four years, but want to know exactly how difficult it will be to take all the classes in the Pre-Med track. #pre-med #undergraduate #college-student #pre-medicine #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care