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Arfon Smith’s Avatar

Arfon Smith

Product Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
3 Answers
1334 Reads
1 Karma

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Vedant’s Avatar
Vedant Oct 25, 2022 1556 views

How can we become an Astro Chemist?

How can we become an astro chemist ?

First’s Avatar
First Jul 29, 2023 366 views

How many years of college does it take for a career in astronomy?

Similarly how many years for astrobiology and astrochemistry?

Braden’s Avatar
Braden Oct 31, 2016 1296 views

In college, I was planning on pursuing a double major. I was planning on obtaining a PhD in astrophysics and a bachelors in robotics engineering. I was wondering: how hard would this be and would it even be possible?

I was planning on obtaining this degree so I would have a back-up plan in life. If one career fell through, I could rely on the other. I find both subjects really interesting to me and I would like to make possible careers out of them. In the best case scenario, I could possibly find a career...