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Shankar R’s Avatar

Shankar R

Technical Support Engineer at Dell EMC
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
13 Answers
42657 Reads
46 Karma


Civic Duty

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Frank’s Avatar
Frank Sep 28, 2015 3411 views

Which is the most valued marketing course ?

Marketing career reasons

Divya’s Avatar
Divya Apr 26, 2016 4251 views

how to became a good financier?

I like be a financier

Briana’s Avatar
Briana May 29, 2016 5919 views

What would I need to major in if I'm interested in both math and art?

As a currently graduating senior in high school, I will be going to a community college to complete my prerequisites and the transfer to a four year university. Although I'm a little shaky on choosing a major, One of my long time interests is art; I've been drawing and experimenting since I was...

tasin’s Avatar
tasin Jun 03, 2016 1323 views

How can I become a good nurse?

my ambition is nurse

Rylan’s Avatar
Rylan Nov 17, 2015 2776 views

What do you do as a career planner in the marine core

hi im in 6th grade and want to know what you do as a career planner in the marine core #technology #tech #military

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Jul 12, 2016 2899 views

How do you make the best of college?

I am going to be a Freshman this fall.There are so many things to do at college, with so little time. How do you make the best out of the time at college? #college #college-major #college-bound

Chrestina’s Avatar
Chrestina May 14, 2016 1701 views

How many years should I study to become an ultrasound tech?

I´m interesting in being an ultrasound tech in the future. #doctor #ultrasound

Makenna’s Avatar
Makenna Oct 20, 2015 5978 views

What is Marketing?

Tell me what marketing is and what do you have to do to become a Marketing woman.

thomas’s Avatar
thomas May 24, 2016 2616 views

Whats the highest degree you can get in the tech field

I am very curious and interested the technology field and want to go in this field eventually. #tech

Darius’s Avatar
Darius Oct 25, 2016 1913 views

What does a computer engineer typically accomplish in a day of work?

I'm planning to major in computer engineering, but I'm not sure what kind of work expect and whether I want to go into computer hardware or software engineering. #computer-software #engineering #computer #computer-hardware

Malinda’s Avatar
Malinda May 20, 2016 4607 views

Is an xray tech a good choice for a career?

Im planning to become an xray tech.

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Oct 26, 2016 1120 views

Does anybody know what the specialty is when the aerospace engineer designs the engines for the planes?

I want to design the engines for aircraft but don't know what area I should specialize in. #engineering #aerospace-engineering #aerospace #aeronautics