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Zoha Sohail’s Avatar

Zoha Sohail

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
3 Answers
1383 Reads
1 Karma

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Jems’s Avatar
Jems May 12 676 views

How can I learn marketing ?

How can I learn about marketing in a big group of people where I will make them believe on my products without having any issues with the product or the marketer

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie Dec 10, 2019 781 views

What resources should I be reaching out to/finding for people to notice my art?

How do you get people to recognize your art? Do you share it? Post it? Go to a museum? How is it possible for people to recognize your works and get a basic following to possibly live off of? #art #artist #college #fine-art #career

kale’s Avatar
kale May 25 1235 views

how long did/does it take to land a job in PR and marketing?

what types of tasks do you do day to day in those jobs?