Lauren Hopkins
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What are some websites that you can take classes that will be accepted by your high school?
I love learning a lot so I want to find a way to take other classes that I can't fit on my school schedule that will be accepted for credits/ be put on my transcript at the very least. There are many websites that offer a great online education but I'm not sure which ones will match my specific...

What things should I get involved with to help me make sure I chose the right major in college? I chose education but am going to be starting with a dual major of elementary education adn secondary education science because I want to teach and love science but am not sure what grade level.
I love science especially environmental science and animals. I want to teach like both my parents. I am not sure what grade level though. I like little kids but also have enjoyed my high school years. I want to be able to share with kids the things that I learned having to do with the...

Is it normal to not know what you want to do?
Like not knowing what career you want to pursue