Adrian Hernandez
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What are the programming languages needed to be a data scientist?
My career related interest is to become a data scientist

How many languages should I master or how much should my level of English be?
What should be my level of English or how many languages should I master for a career in computer science and data science?

How to choose between making money and wanting to be happy in a career?
I am currently a rising Junior in highschool and my dream job is to be a marine biologist (More specifically an oceanographer), an ornithologist, or a herpetologist but there are little to few jobs available, and if they are available they don't pay enough for me to grow up and be comfortable....

what can i do to get in the tech industry?
hi i am Alonzo ..i would like to know how one can get into the tech industry

What do you have to like or be good at to be an engineer or to take engineer classes?
I am in 9th grade and I hear people talk about engineering a lot but I really dont know anything about it. I would like to learn more knowledge about this career and what you have to do. #engineer #data-engineer

best skills for 2024 like programmer or photoshop?
best skills for 2024 like programmer or photoshop?