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Gerald’s Avatar
Gerald Jun 23 136 views

Wt are the necessary skills needed to be a good student ?

What are Necessary skills needed to be a good science student

Roselyn’s Avatar
Roselyn Jun 23 136 views

How to be a popular and famous in the world in the future..and I'm not believe myself and trust because I'm not perfect, I'm not talented, I'm not smart and I'm not pretty then I'm not rich. ?

How to be a popular and famous in the world in the future?..and I'm not believe myself and trust because I'm not perfect, I'm not talented, I'm not smart and I'm not pretty then I'm not rich.
and I'm filipina

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jun 20 218 views

How does one become a teacher that teaches about law and law enforcement?

I have been wondering how to teach people on what and how laws are to help them understand what they are.

Kacey’s Avatar
Kacey Jun 22 402 views

When is the best time to start looking for internship and where do you look?

Incoming freshman and studying accounting/finance; where can I look for internship opportunities and when is the best time to start?

Meranda’s Avatar
Meranda Jun 08 522 views

What Career Opportunities Are Available with a BA/BS in Criminal Justice ?

I've always wanted to pursue this path, but I'm worried I'm in over my head. I've job shadowed dispatchers and probation officers this year in southern Ohio, and they're hoping I'll come back. Am I making the right choice?