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Sacramento, California
5 Questions
271 Karma

Ava’s Career Goals

Post-Secondary Psychology Teacher

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Ava 20 hours ago 154 views

What extracurriculars/community college classes should I take to prepare for 2 different gap years and a Psychology PhD?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024. I intend to take a gap year to experience new cultures/widen my horizons then get my Psychology undergrad, take a gap year to self-reflect and gain research experience, and then return to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have...

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Ava Jun 25 245 views

Would it be weird if I took two gap years?

I have been asking many questions lately about whether I should take my gap year after High School like many people do or after getting my bachelor's before my PhD in Psychology to be a Psychology professor. With all of the different advice I'm getting I have been wondering if I should just do...

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Ava Jun 24 166 views

Where should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024 and I intend on taking a gap year while taking some online gen-ed classes but I don't know where to go. Some things to know: - I don't like insects, so just as few as possible but I'm flexible - AC please <3 - I LOVE the ocean,...

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Ava Jun 23 256 views

When should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior in August 2024 and want to take a gap year, but I intend to get a Psychology PhD. So should I take my gap year right out of high school or between my undergrad and PhD program? I just don't want it to be harder to get into a college because I didn't apply...

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Ava Jun 23 333 views

What high school and community college classes or extracurriculars should I do to prepare for a Psychology PhD and gap year?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting August 2024 and I intend on getting my Psychology undergrad, taking a gap year to travel, then returning to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What classes or...