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N Rutledge’s Avatar

N Rutledge

Law Professor/Judge
Legal Occupations
Houston, Texas
24 Answers
46415 Reads
131 Karma


Civic Duty

Active Locations

Sam McInnis’s Avatar
Sam May 29, 2018 7670 views

Can law schools see how many other schools i have applied to, or which ones i have received offers from?

#law #lawyer #lawschool #law-school #lawschooladmissions #law-school-admissions

Tiya’s Avatar
Tiya Aug 16, 2018 1074 views

What is the best course of action that I should take while earning my undergraduate degree, to prepare myself for law school?

#law-school #law #lawyers #law-services #lawyer

Namitha’s Avatar
Namitha Aug 15, 2018 896 views

Is it hard for an introvert to become a well respected lawyer?

#lawyer #introverts

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Aug 16, 2018 1154 views

What’s the best major to get a bachelors degree in if you want to major in law ?

Law school prep. #majors #college-majors #law #law-school

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Jan 03, 2018 1167 views

I'm in 7th grade and I was wondering what it's like to be a lawyer?

In school I've always been interested in history, specifically law and government. I just wanted to know how it would affect my daily life or how many classes and years it would take to be prepared.
#law #lawyer #attorney #legal-services

Davante’s Avatar
Davante Apr 19, 2018 848 views

What courses are needed to gain a law degree

I am gain information on the also use information on fields used for law degrees
#law-practice #corporate-law

alexis’s Avatar
alexis Mar 26, 2018 1279 views

What is the best organization to join when you attend college?

Should you join an organization in your major or something fun and interesting? #medicine #university #black-students #organization #college

Safa’s Avatar
Safa May 05, 2016 850 views

Would my hijab, or me being Muslim, have a negative impact on my future career in Criminal Justice?

My name is Safa and I was born and raised in the U.S. I'm 17 years of age and constantly having second thoughts on my career choice because I have a lot of people doubting me on my interests in the law field. I'm asking this question because I need a professionals answer on if I should or...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 24, 2018 797 views

What is the best path in college for you to become a lawyer?

I am wanting to become a lawyer and was needing information on which major before law school I should take, classes, etc. #law #college

Justaney’s Avatar
Justaney Jan 20, 2018 714 views

As a high school student what are some books or online courses to take tests and exams on to prepare me for law school that are actually creditable?

I want to be ahead when I graduate. And stand out at the college I decide to attend
#lawyer #law-school #women-in-law #getoutthere

Joie’s Avatar
Joie Jan 17, 2018 818 views

Is it hard to maintain your moral convictions as a criminal prosecutor?

I want to become a lawyer in the criminal prosecution field, but I am also a devout Catholic with strongly held morals. I know that as a lawyer you may have to deal with controversial situations on which you are not always on the "right" side. How do lawyers reconcile this or practice...

Amari’s Avatar
Amari Jan 21, 2016 15707 views

how hard is it being a judge and how much do they get paid daily?

Because i want to be a judge myself #law #judges

Zymeria ’s Avatar
Zymeria Feb 09, 2017 893 views

What kind of degrees does an lawyer should have?

My main part in life is to graduate and attend college and study more equipment about lawyers #lawyer

Zymeria ’s Avatar
Zymeria Feb 09, 2017 928 views

How much a lawyer makes a year?

My name is Zymeria Broady and I am in the 9th grade and i wanted to go to school to be a lawyer #lawyer

Tabias’s Avatar
Tabias Feb 10, 2017 886 views

Is being a great lawyer hard?

I heard it was really hard? #lawyer