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Nina Martinez’s Avatar

Nina Martinez

B.S. in Neuroscience | Medical Scribe at Endeavor Health
Chicago, Illinois
5 Answers
2753 Reads
12 Karma

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Yasmine’s Avatar
Yasmine Aug 28 630 views

What skills do I need to become a nurse?

Being a nurse has always been my dream because I like helping people.

Luna’s Avatar
Luna Aug 28 403 views

What are the steps into becoming a nurse. ?

Im currently a student at Crane Middle School, I’m 13 years old and my dream career is to be a nurse but I don’t exactly know how to become a nurse. What are the steps into being a nurse. #nurse #career #healthcare

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Aug 06 303 views

Too late to change career paths after undergrad?

Is it possible to enter grad school for something like environmental science or anthropology if i got my undergrad in psychology? And if so are there any jobs I could work that may be willing to help pay for my education. Like government jobs etc

wiliams’s Avatar
wiliams Aug 06 429 views

why is it wrong or weird for a male to become a nurse and not a doctor ?

i have always wanted to be a nurse but my friends always make jest of me thinking and telling me that it is weird for a male to be a nurse

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Jul 24 709 views

What are the best ways to win a Interview?

Every time I try to go to the interview it always turns bad with me either not getting the words out or me messing up on a word