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Cecilia Hodges’s Avatar

Cecilia Hodges

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Washington, Washington
6 Answers
15259 Reads
26 Karma

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somkid’s Avatar
somkid Sep 01, 2017 1608 views

What is class should I take if I want to major in computer programming?


Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Sep 01, 2017 5564 views

Can you combine computer science and marine biology?

I want to major in computer science in college, but I am also interested in marine biology. Is there any easy way to combine these two?

#technology #marine-biology #computer-science

witley’s Avatar
witley Sep 01, 2017 777 views

what does it take in order to be a doctor

i am asking this because this what i want to be after graduation#medicine #technology

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Sep 01, 2017 763 views

Thinking if i should study in science or aviation.

i love the concept of flying but i also love building/engineering. #Troubled #technology

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 04, 2016 1401 views

What is it like as a woman working in a technical field? Is it harder in any way?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. It's become a bit of a running joke between my friends and I that whenever a huge, end-of-term paper comes up in high school, I will inevitably write something about the lack of women and minorities in STEM. But as...

Bitota’s Avatar
Bitota Jun 26, 2015 6903 views

What should you major in if you want to be a T.V Show Host or an on air personality?

I am asking this question because I am really interested in going into a career within these fields and I want to prepare myself in college. Thank you for listening! Hope you have a great day. #college #communications #communication #television #broadcast-television #telecommunications