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Felicia Barrs’s Avatar

Felicia Barrs

Lead Property Management - Network Engineering
Management Occupations
Little Elm, Texas
5 Answers
1125 Reads
1 Karma

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Jennel’s Avatar
Jennel 2 days ago 513 views

Is a bachelor's degree required to become a Human Resources Manager?

What does a day look like as a Human Resources Manager?

Reagan’s Avatar
Reagan Oct 28 435 views

How do you find the perfect first job after graduation?

Specifically, if someone is interested in entrepreneurship, business management, and needs to start small in order to go big in their career

Josiah’s Avatar
Josiah Aug 29 121 views

How could I become a NBA player?

I want to know the steps to become a college basketball player on how you go to college for basketball and possibly how you could become in the NBA but what are the steps to become a NBA player? And what education would I need to become a NBA player what could the steps be in order to become...

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Aug 22 187 views

How do i get into real estate as a 16 year old high school student?

I am a junior in high school, i have been wanting to get into the real estate business for a couple years now but have no idea where to start, and have little to no real estate experience. I have lots of time but no idea where to even begin.

Paula’s Avatar
Paula Aug 18 937 views

What can help me figure out what career I want to pursue in college?

What can help me figure out what career I want to pursue in college?