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Rushabh jain’s Avatar

Rushabh jain

Nashik, Maharashtra, India
8 Answers
10705 Reads
2 Karma

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Mia’s Avatar
Mia Sep 15 328 views

what can i do to make money

what do i do

Hannli’s Avatar
Hannli Sep 07 480 views

What is the demand for Health IT careers?

I'm planning on getting into the HIT program, but is there a good chance I can land a job or at least an entry-level job with my certificate or AAS?

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Sep 06 758 views

How to become a real estate investor?

Share your journey & guide aspiring real estate investors on their path!

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals

Brown’s Avatar
Brown Sep 05 399 views

What is the greatest advantage of education?

Benefits of education

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Aug 29 411 views

What do ice agents do?

When I grow up I’m planning on being an ice agent. I want to be an ice agent because it’s fun and you learn. I am planning on saving lives no matter the cost.

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Sep 02 489 views

What are some possible career paths that I could take?

I am currently majoring in Anthropology (with a focus in biological anthropology) and in Mathematics. I like both subjects, but I’m more interested in anthropology. I’m trying to figure out career paths that could possibly combine these two. I also have an interest in forensic anthropology. I’m...

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Aug 31 564 views

Hello!I want to ask if Economics and Accountancy are the same.?

I want to be an accountant and I know that accountancy is the best option here but its not available on the school I'll be studying.If I take Economics which is the available one,are the job opportunities still be the same?Are there gonna be a what so called "bias" when I apply for a job?And...

Tatum’s Avatar
Tatum Feb 14 55330 views

How do i start a youtube channel?

How do I start a youtube channel I really want to its kinda always been my dream but I don't know where to start. Any tips will help. But sometimes I think about doing photography. Please help any tips.