Devetra’s Career Goals
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What are some other tech industry related fields?
Want to get in Global marketing in the tech sector. But want to explore different areas. #technology #global-marketing

With all the Tariff being put into place how will this affect trading Internationally?
Currently studying International Business. #international-trade #international-business #international #international-affairs

Is there a way I can pay for Graduate school without getting loans?
I have already accumulated debt during my bachelors degree. Want to go further but don't want to create even more debt when getting my MBA. #debt #graduate-school

Do Intellectual Law firms hire Global marketers for their clients?
Interned for a law firm in which I did marketing for. #law - practice #marketing

Can you really go to medical school for free in Cuba?
Read somewhere that you can. #medicine #medical-school #med-school #cuba #tuition

Are there websites where you can find mentors in your particular field?
Looking for guidance in the marketing sector. #marketing #global-marketing

With technology constantly changing how can we keep up with it?
Planning on woking in the tech field. #technology #educational-technology

How can you stand out from the rest of other job applications when looking for a job in marketing?
Unemployment rate is low what can I do now that can set me apart for when I do apply for jobs when I'm done with school? #job-search

Is it hard to get into an MBA program for International business?
Thinking about getting my MBA? #college-admissions

What are some cost efficient colleges to go to to obtain your MBA in International business?
Almost finished with my B.A. and thinking about applying to MBA programs. #masters-degree #college

What are some great careers that doesn't require a college degree?
I always heard that if you want to have a great career you must attend college. #career-choice

How many internships should I do while in college?
My school requires me to do two internships before I graduate. Should I do more than two if it is not for school credit?

How can one get a foot in the door if they want to get into politics?
Minoring in International relations and want to be a U.S. Ambassador one day. #politics #international-affairs #international relations

What are some websites or apps to learn another language?
Want to learn another language. #foreign-languages

How much is a college degree worth today?
I've always wondered what it was. How it's important to a career. #college #career