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Ernie’s Avatar
Ernie Jan 24, 2018 1060 views

Electrical engineering or computer engineering

I wish to work on a big tech company (apple, Samsung, dell, etc). What should I study?? I'm good at math so that won't be a problem.

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Mar 22 474 views

Is being an Electrical Engineering fun or tiring? Is Electrical Engineering a good job for later down in life??

I am a high schooler doing a career project and need to ask two questions.

George’s Avatar
George Sep 02 961 views

I want to start a business one day what jobs should I do to know what type of business that I should start?

I am a business administration student trying to get my degree so I can have my own business one day, I want to run my business remotely, I'm looking for a job so I can know what to do

Ahmad’s Avatar
Ahmad Sep 10 1469 views

What business major would best complement an electrical engineering degree?

As a first-year dual degree student in engineering and business, currently planning to pursue electrical engineering but not choosing my engineering major until second year and my business concentration until third year.