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Kathie Zhao’s Avatar

Kathie Zhao

Sr Analyst
New York, New York
5 Answers
2881 Reads
21 Karma

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Angie’s Avatar
Angie Sep 11 753 views

I suck at math and I want to get better but I don’t know how.

I suck at math and it’s genuinely embarrassing. Like there’s some topics that I get but it’s a matter of remembering for me. I always forget what’s taught to me in math class. And this is specifically only for the math subject and not others like Biology, Anatomy, history, English, government...

Braeden’s Avatar
Braeden Aug 28 318 views

How to become D1 in baseball?

How to become a D1 baseball p,Ayer and how to get better, I’ve been playing since around 2-3 years old and I will never give up on my dreams of going D1 in baseball and hopefully go to the MLB

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Sep 11 555 views

I'm very indecisive on what I want to be. I know that I want to work with Pediatrics! I want to either be a Pediatrician or a Pediatric Physician Assistant! How could I choose? Am I choosing the wrong choices? How could I choose the best one for me?

I'm in 12th grade!

Kirstyn’s Avatar
Kirstyn Sep 08 532 views

how i know what i have to learn ?

how i know what i have to learn ?

Tasnin’s Avatar
Tasnin Sep 04 1722 views

How to get a high score on the SAT?

I am a junior in high school and I need to be studying for the SAT. I was wondering if you guys had any tips on how to study for the SAT. I come from a low-income household so I cannot afford an SAT tutor. I really want to get at least 1300 or above. I want to prove to my parents and everyone...