Career questions tagged junior

I want to go visit colleges over the break, how do I get a tour?
I want to visit all the UCs but not sure how to. Do I just go to the college or is there a form to sign in order to tour.

How to get a high score on the SAT?
I am a junior in high school and I need to be studying for the SAT. I was wondering if you guys had any tips on how to study for the SAT. I come from a low-income household so I cannot afford an SAT tutor. I really want to get at least 1300 or above. I want to prove to my parents and everyone that I am capable of doing something great. I might also take the ACT but I am not sure yet. Thank you!

What to do if I have no APs/Honors/Extracurriculars (a shy homeschooled Junior in HS who wants to pursue either becoming a lawyer or something in the forensic science area)?
I feel very behind and stressed because though I do make good grades, I know that I should have at least a few of these things but I don’t. I know the best way is for me to just do something about it but I’m not sure on how to go about it. I also feel stressed because I’m not 100% for sure which career path I should pursue: law or forensic science. I will take any advice. Do you think that it would be a good idea if I take any APs/Honors next year or will it be too late? I was thinking of taking dual enrollment next year and some CLEP exams this year. And, what extracurriculars should I do as of now, and for my senior year—ones that match the careers i want to do or a variety of different things that interest me? (sorry if i got off topic!!!) Thank you in advance because any help/advice will be appreciated!

What are some scholarships available that I can apply to as a upcoming junior in highschool?
I am going to be a junior this upcoming school year and I know some of the colleges I am considering will not give me a lot of financial aid. I want to find a few scholarships I can apply to and start saving up the money so I can use it for college. Any suggestions?

How can I make the most of my summer vacation to prepare for senior year and apply to colleges?
I'm currently a junior, and I need some advice on how to spend my summer vacation to help prepare for my upcoming senior year.

What are some tips/tricks for interns to avoid feeling imposter syndrome at their workplace? #Spring24
I am a junior MIS student at UH looking forward to starting my ITPM internship this summer. I am trying to prepare myself mentally for this role and want to make the most out of it without getting caught up in feeling like an imposter or not fit for the role.

what should i do in each grade in high school to better my chances of getting into top colleges?
like what should i do in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade?? pls give me a detailed guide :)

How often should I reach out to my Academic Advisor ?
I think it is a great idea for me to establish great communication with my Academic Advisor so I can keep on taking the necessary course for my degree. Not only that but I have been given great personal and professional advice and resources. I don't want to overstep my boundaries by asking a ton of questions all the time, but I would like to utilize as many resources, advice, and opportunities as my advisor can provide me.

How do you begin the graduate school search as a physics major?
I am a current junior in college planning to graduate next year, and am looking for advice on how to begin the search for schools. #career-path #physics #graduateschool #gradschool #application #school #college #astronomy #junior

What are some study tips to improve your SAT score?
#junior #highschool #JULY20 #college #help

How do you know a career is right for you? What if you have a lot of interests but you don't know which one is the perfect fit?
I am in 11th grade and I have a small idea of what I want to do. I am interested in the medical field but I am not confident about it. I want to help others and I want to know if I should pursue this path. It is hard and I do not want to end up not liking it the career I choose. #career-choice #career #medicine #doctor #career-choice #healthcare #help #junior #highschool

How do you know if you've hit your "moment?"
Being indecisive really complicates the college search. I'm always afraid that my "moment" of realization will miss me. What if I never realize what I want to do? What if there are other people who have missed their boat? These are honestly the biggest stresses for me as I'm hitting the end of my high school career. #junior #indecisive

How do you stay organized as a high school student?
I am a high school student going into my junior year of high school. Looking back, I seem to always be unorganized with tasks that have to be done. Instead of setting my priorities before doing other work, I tend to pile on the less important jobs, leaving me to struggle to complete the rest of my work. I want to learn how to set certain times for homework, sports, extracurricular activities, projects, my social life, and my hobbies. As a high school student, I know it is very difficult. It was a constant battle to keep my grades up my first quarter of sophomore year. I was balancing Cross Country (a very exhausting sport) with my studying. It did not go very well. I would like the opinion of others who learned how to stay out of the high school grind with the help of being organized! #sports #student #high-school #work-life-balance #junior #cross-country #struggle

When should I start preparing for college?
I am going into my junior year of high school in the Fall, anxious that I am another year closer to college. I know it is best to start preparing for college as early as possible, but when is early? I don't want too have to suffer later on and struggle to get all of my applications in. Should I start preparing for college now? #college #high-school #preparation #junior

where in New York can i be an intern for the summer?
I would like to be an intern for the summer but don't know a law firm that hires a 16 year old junior. #law #communications #communication #intern #pre-law #new-york #junior