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Savannah’s Avatar


Big Lake, Minnesota
5 Questions
372 Karma

Savannah’s Career Goals

I want to find a career that I enjoy, that allows me to travel, have free time, and make a good living to support myself.



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Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Oct 03, 2024 971 views

What are some important things I should add to my resume? What should I avoid adding to my resume?

I'm planning on getting a job this summer once school is out, and I would like to begin preparing my resume for applying to my first job and future jobs.

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Savannah Oct 03, 2024 1028 views

What are some things I can be doing outside of school to add to my college profile?

I play soccer in the fall and I would like to manage another sports team and join theater later in the year. My school is pretty small so there aren't many opportunities for clubs. Do you have any suggestions for good community service or volunteering ideas that I can do outside of school?

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Savannah Oct 01, 2024 1053 views

What should I be trying to learn or teach myself if I am interested in a career as a filmmaker?

I love cinematography, I think it's a beautiful art form that we can use to tell stories to people around the world. I took a broadcast journalism class last year as a freshman, so I have a very basic understanding of video editing, but I would like to go more in-depth with it. I would like to...

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Savannah Oct 01, 2024 535 views

What does it take to become a commercial pilot?

Becoming a pilot has been a dream of mine since I was a kid, and it's a career that I am open to looking into. I've looked at the Moody Bible College Aviation Spokane, which to my understanding would teach me to be a missionary pilot. I would love to do this, but one day I may like to switch...

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Savannah Oct 01, 2024 1749 views

What should I consider when choosing between college and trade school?

I am a sophomore in high school, and I need to begin thinking about college, trade school, or a career.