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Omar Brand’s Avatar

Omar Brand

Dublin, County Dublin
4 Answers
851 Reads
1 Karma

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Kieran’s Avatar
Kieran Apr 04 1046 views

How can I do both computer science and sales/marketing?

I want to know how to be a well rounded individual that knows how to program technology and also know how to sell that technology whether it be in person or online.

Jahmeek ’s Avatar
Jahmeek Mar 26, 2012 5478 views

What is a successful way to become a great salesman ?

What is a successful way to become a great salesman ? #business #sales

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Oct 02 377 views

Can I become an electrician without trade school ?

Can I become a electrician without trade school

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Aug 18 1207 views

What careers and industries are in IT ?

I'm interested in learning more about information technology (IT). So I was wondering about certain careers in IT and industries you can work in.