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Robert Tisca’s Avatar

Robert Tisca

People Operation Specialist
Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
5 Answers
723 Reads
1 Karma

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Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl May 03 988 views

How to be consistent in what you do?

I want to know what is the psychology behind consistency. Why are some people consistent while others are not, no matter how much they try?

Jayleen’s Avatar
Jayleen May 21 1475 views

what skills do you find useful in the study of psychology and what are the pros and cons?

i want to study psychology but i know there are a lot of cons to it. for example there’s a lot of years in college and training. I also know that it can mess up your mental health, but what are the pros?

gb nfrg’s Avatar
gb nfrg Jul 03 467 views

what is the first thing I should do to get started on my psychology career?

what is the first thing I should do to get started on my psychology career, thank you.

Chennan’s Avatar
Chennan Aug 29 767 views

Character traits of psychiatrists?

I am a senior in high school right now, but I feel extremely drawn to the field of psychology and mental health treatment. How do I know I have what it takes to be a psychiatrist? What types of characteristics do psychiatrists need to have to be successful?

Karina’s Avatar
Karina Sep 23 1196 views

What skills should I learn in order to become a psychiatrist?

I'm currently a student at Job Corps and looking into becoming a psychiatrist.