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Carter’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
3 Questions
73 Karma

Carter’s Career Goals

I want to be able to help people in dangerous situations, like taking down armed robbers or stopping fights from happening.



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Carter’s Avatar
Carter 2 days ago 46 views

How many years do you have to work until you could retire from a hard working job , like construction?

How many years do you have to work until you could retire from a hard working job , like construction?

Carter’s Avatar
Carter 2 days ago 73 views

What collage course do you have to take to become a officer?

What collage course do you have to take to become a officer?

Carter’s Avatar
Carter Oct 10 143 views

How much money do you make yearly as a police officer And how much years do you have to go in training and college to be a police officer??

How much money do you make yearly as a police officer? And how much years do you have to go in training and college to be a police officer?