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Peter Senna Tschudin’s Avatar

Peter Senna Tschudin

GPU Software Engineer @ Intel
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Zürich, Switzerland
2 Answers
369 Reads
2 Karma

Active Locations

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve yesterday 175 views

How to maintain/cultivate work-life balance?

I want to live a full, happy life, and I don't want my life revolving around my job more so than necessary.

Erik’s Avatar
Erik Oct 17 806 views

What's a Network & Computer Systems Administrator career field like?

I'm 19 and I'm interested in the long road to becoming a Network & Computer Systems Administrator, and I'm wondering what it's like and the day to day of someone who works in that field. But also the type of skills that could go along with it.