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Eugene Chung’s Avatar

Eugene Chung

Technical Program Manager
Management Occupations
Seattle, Washington
3 Answers
381 Reads
1 Karma

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emerson’s Avatar
emerson 12 hours ago 184 views

How do I know what career path is best for me?

I have a big personality and like to be moving, I don't want a boring career and want to do something different everyday.

manal’s Avatar
manal 10 hours ago 170 views

“What types of skills or projects should I highlight on my resume to stand out for a career in sustainable design or environmental planning” #Fall24?

“What types of skills or projects should I highlight on my resume to stand out for a career in sustainable design or environmental planning?”

Christian’s Avatar
Christian 18 hours ago 34 views

can i learning anything on youtube for free?

can i learning anything on youtube for free?