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Stella Shong’s Avatar

Stella Shong

New York, New York
5 Answers
1577 Reads
1 Karma

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Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 04, 2017 11182 views

What will make you stand out at a job interview?

Hey! I was just wondering what could make me stand out a little when I go to a job interview. Would it be something that I would say, something that I would do, or something else? Thank you! #business #medicine #teaching #law #technology #interviews #information-technology #customer-service

Sharon’s Avatar
Sharon Nov 21 399 views

How can I achieve my dream of becoming an accountant?

Since I was a kid I wanted to be an accountant . I also love mathematics and business a lot . I also wish one day I will run my own company.I will appreciate for your response

regina’s Avatar
regina Nov 05 454 views

what to do to achieve high grades.?

thinking of doing well in school.

Aizen’s Avatar
Aizen Nov 05 565 views

How do you decide what major to focus on when you are only in your teens?

I am only 14 and while I know I am interested in sciences, how do I decide what career will be right for me and provide me with a quality life?

joy’s Avatar
joy Nov 12 308 views

how to be a great accountant?

how to be successful in my field of study