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Verified Professional’s Avatar

Verified Professional

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
5 Answers
60877 Reads
46 Karma

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Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Mar 17, 2014 7596 views

How long did it take for you to figure out what career you were interested in?

How long did it take for you to figure out what career you were interested in? I'm a Junior and I still don't know what I want to do after college. #career #time-management

Simran ’s Avatar
Simran Apr 22, 2014 1536 views

What is the average amount of loans students have to pay off at the end of their bachelor degree?

I am a high school senior and am deciding between going to a private university or a state university. If I decide to attend the private school, I would need to take out some loans, and I was wondering what the average loan looks like for a student pursuing a bachelor degree, so I can get a...

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Apr 22, 2014 14900 views

What kind of career(s) integrate math and/or science with art?

I am currently a sophomore in high school and am really interested in art. Although I would like to be able to just focus on art in the future, it sounds too risky to try to make a living by just drawing and painting. I also really enjoy math and science, and would be very interested in...

Jazmine’s Avatar
Jazmine Mar 26, 2014 16254 views

Do you or have you thought about mashing nutrition and psychology into one career? Has it worked out or do you think it will work out? Why or why not?

I am interested in nutrition's effect on emotional and physical diseases. I want to replace pills and medication as such with nutrition and all natural, super-food diets. I have not heard of a psychologist who, for example, would replace antidepressant pills with cashews, which are natural...

Roanne’s Avatar
Roanne Apr 08, 2014 1941 views

What courses do you recommend in high school or college to become a successful biomedical engineer?

I am interested in biomedical engineering and would like to take the right courses to be successful. #college #high-school #courses