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Levittown, New York
6 Questions
406 Karma

Gabriella’s Career Goals

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Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Dec 03, 2024 1800 views

What should I expect from high school student teaching?

I have student teaching my senior year of college (two years) and I am super anxious about it. What's the best way to prepare and what should I expect?

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Gabriella Dec 03, 2024 407 views

If you could do student teaching over again how would you do it differently and what is the most useful advice you could give to someone about to go through it?

I have student teaching my senior year of college (two years) and I am super anxious about it. What's the best way to prepare and what should I expect?

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Dec 03, 2024 491 views

What is student teaching like What to expect and how to prepare??

I have student teaching my senior year of college (two years) and I am super anxious about it. What's the best way to prepare and what should I expect?

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Dec 03, 2024 703 views

How can I become a social media influencer/presence?

I have always been interested in social media marketing and being present on social media. I want to have sponsorships with certain brands and be involved in a social media team for different cosmetic brands or clothing brands.

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Gabriella Dec 03, 2024 877 views

What guidance is needed for my career path?

I am torn between what I want to pursue after college: opening up my own dance studio or teaching in a high school. I currently have a psychology education major with two business minors in entrepreneurship and business administration, so as of right now I will graduate with the experience and...

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Gabriella Dec 03, 2024 519 views

What do you need to be successful in todays society?

I am a sophomore in college and trying to figure out the rest of my path here before heading into the real world.