Tyler’s Career Goals
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when in your life did you know you wanted to be a psychologist and why?
I am curious because I want to know how it compares to my reason #psychology

What exactly is neuropsychology?
I saw it yesterday and want to know about it #psychology #health #neuropsychology

What is the best part of being a psychologist?
I want to know why people are psychologists. #psychology #clinical-psychology

What is the average day in the life of a Psychologist?
I want to know what I will be doing. #psychology #clinical-psychology #moral-psychology

What is the most profitable career that involves studying the brain.
I want to learn about the brain but also help people. #science #psychology #health

I'm very interested in how the brain works and want to do something where I can learn about how the human brian works. What career would be best for me.
I want to do psychology because it has to do with working with the brain. I definitely interested in helping people but also want to work with discovering things about the brain we've yet to discover? #psychology #health