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Sneha Deb’s Avatar

Sneha Deb

Tech Consultant
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Edison, New Jersey
52 Answers
28469 Reads
31 Karma

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Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Jan 28 517 views

How do I get into business?

I want to go to collage for either business or law but I don't know which is better and easier to get into

Samira’s Avatar
Samira Jan 28 871 views

How to write a compelling personal statement?

I have been struggeling to writting my story to align with the officer's values. I specifically need guidance on how to structure my thoughts in a unique and effective way.

chloe’s Avatar
chloe Jan 17 547 views

What is the minimal hourly pay for a career in cyber security?

Specifically, for a starting job with minimal experience

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 28 1171 views

What's the best software or skills to learn for a carrer in supply chain management?

I'm considering a career in supply chain management. What would be the recommended software or skills that I should learn to make my applications for internships look better as I don't take any supply chian classes until sophmore year.

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Jan 28 661 views

How do I find a career that fits my learning style?

10th grade